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Hunter Young

Sam SalterThe Little Black Book Full __HOT__ Album Zip

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Sam SalterThe Little Black Book Full Album Zip

The wealth of Avery, however, now proved of small service, andoccasioned him great uneasiness. He could not offer his diamondsfor sale in that country without being suspected. Considering,therefore, what was best to be done, he thought there might be someperson at Bristol he could venture to trust. Upon this he resolved,and going into Devonshire, sent to one of his friends to meet himat a town called Bideford. When he had unbosomed himself to him andother pretended friends, they agreed that the safest plan would beto put his effects into the hands of some wealthy merchants, and noinquiry would be made how they came by them. One of these friendstold him, he was acquainted with some who were very fit for thepurpose, and if he would allow them a handsome commission, theywould do the business faithfully. Avery liked the proposal,particularly as he could think of no other way of managing thismatter, since he could not appear to act for himself. Accordingly,the merchants paid Avery a visit at Bideford, where, after strongprotestations of honor and integrity, he delivered them hiseffects, consisting of diamonds and some vessels of gold. Aftergiving him a little money for his present subsistence, theydeparted.

This vessel was fashioned, at the will of avarice, for the aidof cruelty and injustice; it was an African slaver--the schoonerPanda. She was commanded by Don Pedro Gilbert, a native ofCatalonia, in Spain, and son of a grandee; a man thirty-six yearsof age, and exceeding handsome, having a round face, pearly teeth,round forehead, and full black eyes, with beautiful raven hair, anda great favorite with the ladies. He united great energy, coolnessand decision, with superior knowledge in mercantile transactions,and the Guinea trade; having made several voyages after slaves. Themate and owner of the Panda was Don Bernardo De Soto, a native ofCorunna, Spain, and son, of Isidore De Soto, manager of the royalrevenue in said city; he was now twenty-five years of age, and fromthe time he was fourteen had cultivated the art of navigation, andat the age of twenty-two had obtained the degree of captain in theIndia service. After a regular examination the correspondentdiploma was awarded him. He was married to Donna Petrona Pereyra,daughter of Don Benito Pereyra, a merchant of Corunna. She was atthis time just fifteen, and ripening into that slight fullness ofform, and roundness of limb, which in that climate mark the earlypassing from girl into woman. Her complexion was the dark olivetinge of Spain; her eyes jet black, large and lustrous. She hadgreat sweetness of disposition and ingenuousness.

To the strictest discipline De Soto united the practicalknowledge of a thorough seaman. But "the master spirit of thewhole," was Francisco Ruiz, the carpenter of the Panda. Thisindividual was of the middle size, but muscular, with a short neck.His hair was black and abundant, and projected from his forehead,so that he appeared to look out from under it, like a bonnet. Hiseyes were dark chestnut, but always restless; his features werewell defined; his eye-lashes, jet black. He was familiar with allthe out-of-the-way places of the Havana, and entered into any ofthe dark abodes without ceremony. From report his had been a wildand lawless career. The crew were chiefly Spaniards, with a fewPortuguese, South Americans, and half castes. The cook was a youngGuinea negro, with a pleasant countenance, and good humored, with asleek glossy skin, and tatooed on the face; and although entered inthe schooner's books as free, yet was a slave. In all there wereabout forty men. Her cargo was an assorted one, consisting in partof barrels of rum, and gunpowder, muskets, cloth, and numerousarticles, with which to purchase slaves.

It was doubtless their intention to burn us up altogether, butseeing the ship, and being eager for more plunder they did not stopfully to accomplish their design. She was a low strait schooner ofabout one hundred and fifty tons, painted black with a narrow whitestreak, a large head with the horn of plenty painted white, largemaintopmast but no yards or sail on it. Mast raked very much,mainsail very square at the head, sails made with split cloth andall new; had two long brass twelve pounders and a large gun on apivot amidships, and about seventy men, who appeared to be chieflySpaniards and mulattoes.

Soto, thus satisfied, bent his course to Europe. On his voyagehe fell in with a small brig, boarded, plundered, sunk her, and,that he might not again run the hazard of encountering livingwitnesses of his guilt, murdered the crew, with the exception ofone individual, whom he took along with him, on account of hisknowledge of the course to Corunna, whither he intended to proceed.But, faithful to his principles of self-protection, as soon as hehad made full use of the unfortunate sailor, and found himself insight of the destined port, he came up to him at the helm, which heheld in his hand, "My friend," said he "is that the harbor ofCorunna?"--"Yes," was the reply. "Then," rejoined Soto, "You havedone your duty well, and I am obliged to you for your services." Onthe instant he drew a pistol and shot the man; then coolly flunghis body overboard, took the helm himself, and steered into hisnative harbor as little concerned as if he had returned from anhonest voyage. At this port he obtained papers in a false name,disposed of a great part of his booty, and after a short stay setout for Cadiz, where he expected a market for the remainder. He hada fair wind until he came within sight of the coast near that city.It was coming on dark and he lay to, expecting to go into hisanchorage next morning, but the wind shifted to the westward, andsuddenly began to blow a heavy gale; it was right on the land. Heluffed his ship as close to the wind as possible, in order to cleara point that stretched outward, and beat off to windward, but hislee-way carried him towards the land, and he was caught when heleast expected the trap. The gale increased--the night grew pitchydark--the roaring breakers were on his lee-beam--the driftingvessel strikes, rebounds, and strikes again--the cry of horrorrings through the flapping cordage, and despair is in the eyes ofthe demon-crew. Helpless they lie amid the wrath of the storm, andthe darkened face of Heaven, for the first time, strikes terror ontheir guilty hearts. Death is before them, but not with a mercifulquickness does he approach; hour after hour the frightful visionglares upon them, and at length disappears only to come upon themagain in a more dreadful form. The tempest abates, and the sinnerswere spared for the time.

In this den the villain remained for a few weeks, and duringthis time seemed to enjoy himself as if he had never committed amurder. The story he told Basso of his circumstances was, that hehad come to Gibraltar on his way to Cadiz from Malaga, and wasmerely awaiting the arrival of a friend. He dressedexpensively--generally wore a white hat of the best Englishquality, silk stockings, white trowsers, and blue frock coat. Hiswhiskers were large and bushy, and his hair, which was very black,profuse, long and naturally curled, was much in the style of aLondon preacher of prophetic and anti-poetic notoriety. He wasdeeply browned with the sun, and had an air and gait expressive ofhis bold, enterprising, and desperate mind. Indeed, when I saw himin his cell and at his trial, although his frame was attenuatedalmost to a skeleton, the color of his face a pale yellow, his eyessunken, and hair closely shorn; he still exhibited strong traces ofwhat he had been, still retained his erect and fearless carriage,his quick, fiery, and malevolent eye, his hurried and concisespeech, and his close and pertinent style of remark. He appeared tome such a man as would have made a hero in the ranks of hiscountry, had circumstances placed him in the proper road to fame;but ignorance and poverty turned into the most ferocious robber,one who might have rendered service and been an honor to his sunkencountry. I should like to hear what the phrenologists say of hishead; it appeared to me to be the most peculiar I had ever seen,and certainly, as far as the bump of destructiveness went,bore the theory fully out. It is rumored here that the skull hasbeen sent to the savans of Edinburg; if this be the case, weshall no doubt be made acquainted with their sage opinions upon thesubject, and great conquerors will receive a farther assurance ofhow much they resemble in their physical natures the greatestmurderers.

When I visited the pirate in the Moorish castle where he wasconfined, he was sitting in his cold, narrow, and miserable cell,upon a pallet of straw, eating his coarse meal from a tin plate. Ithought him more an object of pity than vengeance; he looked soworn with disease, so crushed with suffering, yet so affable,frank, and kind in his address; for he happened to be in acommunicative mood, a thing that was by no means common with him.He spoke of his long confinement, till I thought the tears wereabout to start from his eyes, and alluded to his approaching trialwith satisfaction; but his predominant characteristic, ferocity,appeared in his small piercing black eyes before I left him, as healluded to his keeper, the Provost, in such a way that made mesuspect his desire for blood was not yet extinguished. When heappeared in court on his trial, his demeanor was quite altered; heseemed to me to have suddenly risen out of the wretch he was in hiscell, to all the qualities I had heard of him; he stood erect andunembarrassed; he spoke with a strong voice, attended closely tothe proceedings, occasionally examined the witnesses, and at theconclusion protested against the justice of his trial. He sometimesspoke to the guards around him, and sometimes affected an air ofcarelessness of his awful situation, which, however, did not siteasy upon him. Even here the leading trait of his mind broke forth;for when the interpreter commenced his office, the language whichhe made use of being pedantic and affected, Soto interrupted himthus, while a scowl sat upon his brow that terrified the man ofwords: "I don't understand you, man; speak Spanish like others, andI'll listen to you." When the dirk that belonged to Mr. Robertson,the trunk and clothes taken from Mr. Gibson, and the pocket bookcontaining the ill-fated captain's handwriting were placed beforehim, and proved to have been found in his room, and when the maidservant of the tavern proved that she found the dirk under hispillow every morning on arranging his bed; and when he wasconfronted with his own black slave, between two wax lights, thecountenance of the villain appeared in its true nature, notdepressed nor sorrowful, but vivid and ferocious; and when thepatient and dignified governor, Sir George Don, passed the justsentence of the law upon him, he looked daggers at his heart, andassumed a horrid silence, more eloquent than words.


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